Rooted Initiative
Dig Deep, Draw Wide, Stand Strong.
God is doing exciting things at Ridgeview Church!
For 2022-2023, here is how we plan to Dig Deep, Draw Wide, and Stand Strong as a church.
Dig Deep:
Goal: Launch long-term Community Groups: September 2022
Groups are a key way we grow together.
Check out our Community Group options and sign up for a group here: Community Groups
Draw Wide:
Goal: Launch 2 services: October 2, 2022
Services at 9:00am and 10:30am
We're expanding and we can't wait to provide more space and an additional service to allow more ways for people to connect with Ridgeview!
With this expansion there are more opportunities to serve than ever! Don't serve? Check out volunteer opportunities here and request more info: Volunteer with Ridgeview
Stand Strong:
Goal: Choose faith over fear in the middle of change.
We all face challenges and change every day. The key is praying in the middle of the change, asking God for help, and reaching out to others for prayer and counsel.
Check out ways you can pray for our church this year.
Rooted initiative prayer guide.